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Growing in Style: Why Let Kids Choose Their Clothes

· Clothing

When it comes to kids, parents, especially new ones, can be excessively protective of their children. Even for laid-back parents, they can be overly concerned too, but that is okay. It is your [natural] instinct as parents. You cannot help, but to protect them at all times, ensuring they would not be in pain. However, as parents, it is your responsibility too to ensure they become responsible and independent adults when they grow up. One way to do that is to let your kids choose their [own] clothes in Singapore. Well, of course, with your right guidance.

If you do not think it is necessary to let your kids choose their clothes in Singapore, let this article convince you otherwise!

1. Letting Them Express Their [Own] Opinions.
Do you hate wearing wool? Cannot stand tight polyester pants? If so, your kids would probably have their [own] preferences. That is why, as much as possible, get to know your kids’ likes and dislikes. That way, you can show them that you respect their opinions, and you highly encourage them to express themselves, whenever they need to say something.

For example, if your little girl wants to wear a dress every day in Singapore, let them. However, if you think the weather is too cold, you can always ask them to wear leggings and jacket to protect them from freezing.

2. Encourage a Sense of Individuality.
Once they become accustomed to expressing their [own] opinions, they would most likely develop their sense of individuality. Its unique characteristics and traits that define and make them who they are. Meaning, your kids no longer hide into your shadow. Kids would choose their clothes in Singapore base on the colours they like, and cartoons or animation they love to watch. So, if your baby boy wants to wear a superman shirt instead of batman, let them because that where they develop their interest.

3. Getting them Dress, Would No Longer Be a Battle.
Of course, letting them choose the clothes they would like to wear benefits you too. Imagine the day your little boy would wear his shirt on his own in Singapore. You would hear no more tantrums in the morning, and that would make both of your lives more peaceful.

Just teach them where they can find their clothes like their undies, pants, and shirt. That way, they would not need to call for your help, asking where to find it.

Pro Tip: Stick some paper notes on their cabinet like ‘Night Night Pyjamas’.

As you can see, these are just some of the reasons why you should let your kids choose their clothes in Singapore. Besides this, there are several advantages out there. All you have to do is, watch them from afar, and see how this benefits their growth.

If you are not sure how to encourage your kids to dress themselves, then consider incorporating these ways in your daily routine.

1. Make It a Race.
At first, it would be hard to encourage your kids to dress themselves. That is why, as parents, you should make this activity more fun as possible. Try turning this as a dress-up a game, where you would close your eyes, and see how long they need to dress up. Set a timer and give them rewards afterwards. Doing this would ignite their eagerness to show they can do it.

2. Indirectly Inform Them What to Wear.
Indirectly informing them what to wear is like telling them a story of what happens before when they did not wear a jacket. That way, they would feel like they wear this on their own will and not through your orders.

A great example of this scenario would be during rainy reasons. Ask them what clothes do you ask them to wear when you head out last time so they would not have a cold. With that hint, they would know what they need to wear.

3. Plan Ahead: Show Them Inspirations.
Just like adults, kids love looking at their reflections on the mirror, mimicking their actions. That also applies to pictures. If you show them some pictures on how to do this or that, they will most likely do it too. So, buy some picture books or kids magazines, it will help your little girl know which dress they want to wear in Singapore.

4. Provide Choices.
By the age of 3 to 5 years old, kids love to do whatever they want. There is nothing wrong with it, as long as you let them do it once in a while. This method would not only enhance their decision-making skills, but they would feel responsible for themselves. So, instead of asking your little boy wear this shirt in Singapore. Ask them, would you rather wear this red or blue shirt?

Start Practising Today!
Since there are still COVID-19 cases in Singapore, you should let your kids choose their clothes online. There, they would be inspired to dress themselves as they notice other kids their age.

For a reliable kid’s clothes online shop in Singapore, you can get in touch with Chateau De Sable. They always use organic fabric materials to ensure comfort for your kids!