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Here’s Why Odor Control in Sewage Treatment Plants Matters

· grp frp singapore,Odor control,evaporator high COD

Sewage treatment plants are often a subject of complaints due to the odor resulting from the contents of the wastewater they process. Their large presence in the community makes them unmissable hence the importance of working with an odor control equipment manufacturer in Singapore.

It not only saves treatment plants from complaints in the neighbourhood but helps them avoid conflict with regulatory bodies who are quick to investigate odors from sewage treatment plants. There are odor control manufacturers that help these plants tackle the odor and air pollution problems they’re at risk and in this article, we’ll go in-depth as to why it matters.

What Causes Wastewater Treatment Odors?

Rising Temperatures - Temperatures are rising due to climate change and with this, the temperature of the wastewater also increases. In result, bacteria become more active and eat away BOD and other nutrients at a faster rate. The warmer the water gets, the more active they become and the more oxygen they consume hence the low levels of dissolved oxygen.

Anoxic Zones - Rising temperatures coupled with low dissolved oxygen can result in anoxic zones or areas of water that are depleted of dissolved oxygen. Anaerobic digestion releases sulphur dioxide, among other noxious gases which causes wastewater odor.

If you’re in the wastewater treatment industry, you should know that an effective wastewater treatment should involve odor control and the presence of odor is often a sign that the wastewater is being under-treated.

What Does Wastewater Odor Mean for the Business?

Unhappy Staff & Community - Gases from wastewater treatment plants are often coupled with a pungent odor that can directly affect your employees and eventually the people who live or work nearby.

Potential Legal Issues - With the regulations in place, lack of odor control measures in place can result in complaints from the neighbourhood and it will not take long until these reach the regulatory boards.

How to Address Odor from the Wastewater Treatment Plants

Increase Oxygen Supply - Increasing oxygen supply will guarantee that the aerobic bacteria have sufficient oxygen supply required to aerobically digest BOD. This should help control odors as anaerobic digestion will slow down.

Better Wastewater Circulation - Ensuring that dissolved oxygen reaches the bottom of an aeration basin is key to managing odor as it’s where the odor-causing anaerobic digestion occurs. In doing so, you can distribute dissolved oxygen throughout thus promoting odor-free aerobic digestion.

The level of treatment from each plant varies, but the one thing these plants have in common is that they cause a smell and it’s a matter of odor control that will ensure they’re managed effectively.

Odor Control Equipment & Air Pollution Management by Glasmat

Glasmat is a GRP/FRP supplier and is also an odor control equipment manufacturer in Singapore. Over the years, they have established a reputation for their socially-responsible engineering, providing systems to address odor and air pollution problems faced by wastewater treatment plants.

Glasmat Odor Control Solutions


Below are some odor control solutions Glasmat offers.


Packed Bed Scrubbers - These wet scrubbers are effective in removing particles and/or gases from industrial exhaust streams. It works by introducing the dirty gas stream with a scrubbing liquid—often water and the particulates are collected in the liquid.


Carbon Absorbers - In this process, a contaminated stream flows across an activated carbon bed which then removes the VOCs from the stream and absorbs them. The VOC-free air is exhausted to the atmosphere.


Bio Trickling Filters - This is a combination of a biofilter and a bioscrubber in which the gas scrubber absorbs particulates from the gas stream by the wash water. In the biological reactor, on the other hand, the pollutants that have been absorbed by the wash water are biologically degraded. This is commonly used in processing wastewater as well as in the microbiotic oxidation of contaminants in the air.


FRP Covers - Before there are FRP covers, there were covers made from concrete, steel fibre-reinforced concrete, cast iron, or aluminium. The problem with these materials, however, is that they are too heavy, if not efficient in carrying heavy loads. But, with the introduction of FRP covers, plants now have a lightweight material to seal out odors from plant tanks and chambers that is also highly corrosion-resistant and has high tensile strength.


FRP Ducts & Fans - Made with the same materials as FRP covers, these are excellent and durable tools for moving corrosive air and materials.


Learning more about how odors are produced and how they are released can help industry leaders make the right decision for their odor control solutions. These are merely but some of the tools and equipment Glasmat has to offer.


For more information, visit Glasmat today.