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Plan a Perfect Marriage Proposal Using This Guide!

· Wedding Planner
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Whether you recently found each other or have been in a relationship for years, one thing is for sure—you have found the one. In other words, the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with and start a family.

But before that day comes, you need to hear her sweet YES first. As you already know, planning a marriage proposal is not that easy. You have to consider a lot of things since those could impact the outcome of your plan. 

To make sure your most awaited time goes as well as possible, you have to know what you need to do. Besides getting a proposal package in Singapore, there are more things to consider to have a perfect and unforgettable marriage proposal.

If you are interested, keep on reading and look through the rest of the article.

What Are the DOS When Planning a Marriage Proposal?

While it is a great choice to get a proposal package in Singapore, you should not be complacent since everything will still depend on you. Note that whatever decision you make, each has an impact on how your marriage proposal would look.

Therefore, before you ask your nephews and nieces to arrange the helium balloons on your venue in Singapore, note these dos in mind. Doing so should help you make the right choice and plan things perfectly. 


Before planning a marriage proposal, you need to know if your significant other also thinks and feels the same as you. Otherwise, your time, money, and effort will be for nought, and you will end up heartbroken.


Once you have confirmed both of you are on the same page, it is time to ask your parents and in-laws for their blessing. It might seem like an old-school to do, but doing so is the way you pay your respect to them. 


This one goes without saying, but it is worth reminding you so you would not forget. And once you have the ring on hand, keep it safe. Try not to pull a trick by hiding it on food. You should know this idea is already old news, and your significant other might accidentally swallow it.


To make your marriage proposal more memorable, take your significant other back to where you first met, had kissed, and convey the words—I love you. Indeed, you would be able to make this day a lot more special than it is.


You do not have to be an artist to be creative. Just come up with a plan that you think would make your sweetheart happy.

For example, if they love receiving flowers on a date, try something new. Instead of actual flowers, get them a balloon bouquet in Singapore. With this, you can surprise them by popping the question as you pop the balloon in front of her. 


Even though our brains can remember things, they cannot picture what exactly happened at the event. That is why before your marriage proposal becomes a memory of the past, ask a photographer to document it. 

What Are the DON’TS When Planning a Marriage Proposal?

When there are DOs, naturally, there would be DON’Ts. Now that you know what to do when planning a marriage proposal, you should know what to avoid so no one would misunderstand or get annoyed with your plan.

Here are some of the don'ts below.


Sure, a fancy restaurant and candlelight sound romantic, but this theme has been used a lot in many movies. That is why instead of executing your marriage proposal there, do it somewhere else. Perhaps in a historical place like a museum or the park. 


If you plan to execute your marriage proposal in public, ask the local authorities for permits. Note that your plan might ruin other people’s day if you randomly set up things out of nowhere. 


Lastly, before you fetch her up, make sure you look dashingly handsome. Doing so would make her fall in love with you all over again. That is an added point you cannot get even if you have the most sought proposal package. 

Be Smart When Planning a Marriage Proposal!

When you are sure that both of you are on the same page, then you are a few steps away from spending the rest of your life with her. That is why before you put one of your knees down on the floor and ask for her hand, you have to plan things through. Doing so should help you make her say YES to your marriage proposal. 

But if you are having trouble choosing which balloon should be the decoration of your venue in Singapore, you should ask for help. Note that having an expert by your side is better than planning things alone. 

If you need a hand, let Hello Joi be there with you. Besides their affordable proposal package, they also offer birthday balloon delivery in Singapore!