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PPE and Safety Gear: A Brief Review Of My Online Purchase

· gas leak detection,ppe safety,safety equipment

As an industrial worker, the most significant part of the job is using the correct safety equipment. When I was a college student, my professor would often remind the class about the importance of maintaining your personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety tools. Until today, his teachings ring true, especially with COVID-19 continuing to pose as a threat.

Taking care of your safety equipment is part of the job, and it’s probably even more important than the work itself! Your life's on the line, which means you should be vigilant more than ever. Always look after yourself whenever you’re at work.

However, there’s one problem, and it’s something most industrial workers encounter from time to time. What if you’re using poor-quality PPE and safety gear?

I remember the first time my goggles and boots broke due to excessive use for one month. I bought them off an online store that sells cheap safety equipment. At the time, I didn’t care that much since money was more important than my safety, but I began to notice the issues once my boots started to feel funky. Not to mention, the goggles were too tight since they offered no room for adjustments.

From that moment on, I vowed to only buy from reliable PPE and safety gear suppliers in Singapore. In fact, it’s the very reason why I’m here right now, talking about the importance of safety.

Today, we’ll be talking about the new safety equipment that I just bought from ANSAC Technology. Technically, they aren’t that new. I purchased them a few months ago before the pandemic even struck the country. Nonetheless, that’s why I’m also going to discuss my sentiments with these new shoes, goggles, and gloves.

Ever since COVID-19 took Singapore by storm, I’ve been wearing the same set of safety equipment for a few months. To my surprise, they hold up pretty good, considering their price. My decision to buy these products proved to me how important it was to invest in better quality gear, as opposed to cheap knock-offs that could last a few weeks.

Here are some of the safety equipment that I bought a few months ago.


I needed to find a replacement for my safety shoes since my old ones busted open like a flat tire. I wanted something I could wear every day without growing tired of its aesthetic value. Fortunately, I stumbled upon a pair of decent boots that I might even wear on a casual day.

The boots boasted durable qualities with black upper leather that’s perfect for my workwear attire. Without hesitation, I clicked on the “Purchase” tab and bought the safety shoes replacement.

When my pair of boots arrived, I was surprised to see how comfortable it was on my feet. The leather looked really good in person! I chose to wear it for the weekends whenever I’m going out with my family or friends.

Up to this day, I still wear these boots whenever I’m going grocery shopping. I felt like these were the perfect shoes for my feet since I’m still working outside due to the nature of my job. The comfort, durability, and aesthetics stood the test of time.


I know it sounds silly, but I wear a pair of safety goggles whenever I’m going outside! I didn’t mind the ridiculous look on my face since my safety against COVID-19 was much more relevant than my fashion sense. Combined with a surgical mask, these goggles made me look like a surgeon!

Jokes aside, I bought these goggles a few months ago to protect my eyes from harmful substances and chemicals. Besides my boots, these goggles are probably the most important part of my safety equipment. Fortunately, the goggles were sturdy enough to last long hours of use, day in and day out.


I never knew a new pair of gloves would be so useful today. I bought these gloves to protect my hands from sharp objects, but now I mostly use them when I’m going outside to do some grocery shopping.

While gloves won’t protect you completely from a virus, it helps since your hands won’t get in direct contact. Wearing gloves also makes me feel safe, even though I shouldn’t give in to a false sense of security. Still, a bit of added protection is helpful nonetheless.

Thanks to my safety equipment, I feel much safer and better protected from the virus. Not only that, but I could use these for work more often after COVID-19 goes away.

If you’re interested in buying the same products, you should visit ANSAC Technology. They even sell a gas leak detector that’s perfect for detecting gas. Their gas detection system is a state-of-the-art technology that factories should use!