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Sharing My Experience About Varicose Veins

· Medical,Treatment

A year ago, I felt this excruciating pain on my legs that I have never experienced in my whole life. I thought it was just a simple pain that could go away in a few hours because of the walk I do every day to get to my office. However, the pain stayed, and my legs started to show some purplish colour. When I noticed that the purple colour is my veins, I went to the nearest vein clinic near my home, and that is when I knew that I have varicose veins.

Let me share my experience when I learned that I have varicose veins.


My office is a 15-minute walk away from my house. I chose to walk because it energises my morning and I need it before spending hours on my office. To go home, I have the same routine: walk for 15 minutes, then rest.

However, there is this pain that I always feel on my legs, whether I am walking or not. Since I always feel pain there because of tiredness, I just ignored it. But, the pain did not go away, and purplish veins started to appear. I began to ride the bus the next day in fear that it was because of my walking too much. Instead of going away, it worsens every single day. It is when I decided to visit a vein clinic.

The vein doctor asked me if I also experienced other things aside from the purple veins and pain, and I only realised the itchiness I felt after the pain and the cramps when I started taking the bus. I told the vein doctor, and she said those are all signs and symptoms of varicose veins.


I had no idea what varicose veins are because I never experienced anything like this before. I have a healthy lifestyle and added walking to my daily routine. I also balance my sitting and standing to ensure that I will never get tired in any of it. Learning that I have varicose veins scared me. Of all the good things I do for myself and my health, I still had varicose veins.

The vein doctor told me that varicose veins are because of increased blood vessels, forming a twisted vein. It is usually on the legs, but it could also be on other parts of the body. She told me that it is good that I consulted her early. If not, it might lead to deep vein thrombosis, which is harder to treat.


While having my check-up, I asked the vein doctor what might have been the cause of my varicose veins. She made me understand all the possibilities of getting it like ageing, being overweight, sitting or standing too long, pregnancy, menopause, leg injury, or it is in my genes.

When I think about it, I am not on all that list. I am only 27 years old, not overweight, balance sitting and standing, have never been pregnant or menopause, and have no leg injury. The only possibility I saw was the part of the gene of what the vein doctor said.

After the check-up, I went home immediately and asked my parents about it. I asked them if any of them or our family members have varicose veins. I even sent them the photo of what I have to have a reference. That was the only time I knew that I inherited it from my father.


I started my varicose veins treatment through physical examination. The vein doctor asked me for any sores and pains and checked any swelling on the affected part. She told me that if any new signs occur, I need to go back to her immediately to have a Sonography.

When I reached home, I did the home remedies that the vein doctor told me. I started elevating my legs, massaging them, did my exercise, and went back to walking from my house to my office. But even if I am already in the office, I never forget to elevate my legs and massage them to ensure they disappear. After a month, the purple-coloured veins went away, and I did not feel pain at all again.


When I remembered what the vein doctor told me, I learned that deep vein thrombosis is also common in Singapore. The symptoms and causes are the same as varicose veins, but it is more severe because it includes blood clots and needs immediate attention. Blood clots might worsen the situation because they could spread throughout the body.

I was thankful that I had immediate care from a vein doctor.

If you want to learn more about varicose veins, visit a vein clinic in Singapore now. You could also book an appointment with Cheng SC Veins and Endovascular and see all the services they offer.