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These Are The Treatments I Did To Achieve My Looks Now

· Beauty Care,Beauty,Aesthetic Clinic,Singapore

I have dreamt of being an actress since I was a child. I always see myself singing, dancing, and even acting in front of the mirror, imagining that it is the television. I remembered when I auditioned for a role, I was accepted but as an extra. It was fine with me because I was not expecting big projects as my first. However, I have not received a call since then.


I focused on my studies, but the dream is still there. When I auditioned again, no one accepted me. The last audition I went to told me that I am talented, but they have a problem with my physical appearance – my looks do not fit my talent. I immediately thought that I should get face treatment here in Singapore. But, I destroyed the idea because I am not sure about it. These are the things I did to overcome it:



They told me that they have an issue with the uneven skin tone parts of my face. I immediately knew that it was my pigmentation. I have had it since my teenage years, and I do not understand why.


I searched if there are home treatments for this. I tried the aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, and green extract. However, months of applying those things did not work for me. I looked for other options and saw an aesthetics clinic that offers laser treatment for pigmentation in Singapore. I saw this treatment before, but I thought that it might be pricey.



I think that it is normal to have fats in your body even if you are an actress. They told me that I am fat for the role I want, so I thought of diet and exercise. However, my busy self does not accept all the light foods I take, and it wants more. With the job I have right now, it is hard to eat less.


When I knew that my goal would take months through diet and exercise, I tried looking for other remedies and saw that there is also a HIFU treatment in Singapore.



I do not know how my face shape became a problem. However, the producers said that my face is not pointed enough for the role I want. They said that I do not fit the criteria of a beauty standard in the industry.


I know that I will need to find another surgery for this, so I searched. After hours of looking, I saw that there is a V shape face treatment done in Singapore.


I want to give up. Even though I have the resources and money to do these treatments, how can I be sure that I will land a role the next time I audition? It is not like I will have plastic surgery on my face. It is just that they made me feel so insecure about myself. However, this is still my dream, and I want to achieve it.



After I decided to go on with the surgeries I saw, I looked for an aesthetic clinic that could do it. I want all my agendas to be in one aesthetic clinic, so they will know the complications of doing everything at once.


The aesthetics clinic told me that I need to wait months for another treatment. I was devastated, but they educated me that it is for the safety of my skin.


The first procedure would be the HIFU treatment. It specifically targeted the fats I have around my waistline, especially on the abdomen. It was not a surgical treatment, so it does not hurt and feels so okay right after. I started seeing results after two months, but the outcome took three months. I tried on my old clothes, and some of my pants fit me again.


After five months, I came back for laser treatment for my pigmentation. It was quick because it only removed my dark spots. The results showed right after, so I asked them if I can have the V shape face treatment after a month, and they agreed.



Even though I saw the results of the treatments months after, I did not audition right away. I wanted to make sure if acting is still what I want, and it is. When my audition day came, they were surprised by all the changes they saw in me. I became more confident in myself. I got the role, and it was good.


HIFU treatment was my preferred one. Diet and exercise were hard to do, so seeing the result of my HIFU treatment after three months made me realize that it was such a great idea.


Are you thinking of making yourself look better? Visit Dr Valentin Low’s website and check all the services they offer.