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Ask Your TCM Clinic These Important Questions

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TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine is still widely practised in Singapore. In fact, you can see a TCM clinic at every corner of Singapore. Many people still believe in the effectiveness of TCM and continue to seek TCM services and treatments. 

You can find the best TCM clinic in Singapore by asking these questions:

1. Do your TCM physicians have the licence to practice Traditional Chinese Medicine in Singapore?

Like medical practitioners, TCM physicians in Singapore should obtain a licence before practising TCM like acupuncture for fertility in Singapore. There are regulating bodies that oversee TCM practitioners in Singapore and abroad. Unlicenced TCM practitioners are prohibited from making Chinese herbal medicine prescriptions.

2. Are your TCM materials and equipment safe?

TCM clinics should also follow safety standards when it comes to TCM materials and equipment in Singapore. TCM treatments, especially acupuncture for fertility, should only use sterile and single-use fine needles every session. These protocols are for the protection and safety of the patients

3. Where do you source your Chinese herbs, and who manufactured them?

Like pharmaceutical companies, Chinese herb tonics and supplement manufacturers must be legal and should pass the safety standards of Singapore. Chinese herbs should be legally farmed and must not belong to any endangered species. Ask your TCM clinic in Singapore about their Chinese herb sources and manufacturers.

4. Can I buy your prescribed Chinese herbs from different stores?

There are lots of Chinese herbs available online or in places like Chinatowns. TCM clinics may allow you to purchase these herbs outside; however, keep in mind some precautionary steps. There are lots of counterfeit supplements circulating in the market. 

5. Are you included in medical insurances?

Some medical insurance includes TCM in Singapore for their health care coverage. It is better to ask your health care provider if they cover TCM, such as acupuncture for fertility, beforehand. You can ask your TCM clinic in Singapore as well.

At Thomson Chinese Medicine, you are guaranteed safe and up to standard TCM treatment in Singapore. Visit Thomson Chinese Medicine today.