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Watch Out For These 5 Common Skin Disorders in Children

· Health and Beauty
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Children's sensitive skin are more prone to skin disorders than adults. Their exposure to different environments without any protection makes them susceptible. Many parents use ointments to treat these minor skin issues, while others seek skin allergy treatment in Singapore

Here are the most common skin diseases in children that parents need to watch out for:

1. Eczema

Atopic dermatitis or eczema in Singapore is a skin inflammation that causes redness, itchiness, irritation, dryness, blisters, and sometimes infection. It often appears on the baby's scalp, face, arms, legs, creases of elbows, wrists, and under the eyes. Eczema can be treated using eczema creams in Singapore, topical steroidal and non-steroidal medication, and moisturisers. Eczema is sometimes mistaken as a skin allergy that parents seek skin allergy treatment in Singapore for eczema. 

2. Warts

Warts are a viral skin infection. It forms a hard bump on the skin, commonly on the fingers, hand and feet. Warts are caused by a virus called human papilloma that is usually transmitted through skin-to-skin contact or contracted in moist environments like community pools, locker rooms, and puddles. There are over-the-counter medications for warts like salicylic acid. 

3. Ringworm

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection that causes a scaly and bumpy red appearance on the skin. You may not need a health screening package in Singapore to diagnose ringworm. Ringworms can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact and sharing of clothes. Parents use ringworm creams and ointments to treat this skin disease.

4. Chickenpox

Chickenpox is a viral infection that causes itchy rashes, blisters, spots, and scabs. It is often accompanied by fever. Vaccination and a health screening package in Singapore prevent chickenpox infection. 

5. Heat rash

Heat rash or prickly heat is a red, itchy, tiny blister that forms on the head and neck caused by blocked sweat glands. Dressing your child in breathable clothes helps in preventing heat rash. Bath, creams, and cold compress calm the irritated skin.

Get the best and comprehensive treatment at Healthsprings. Healthsprings provide safe and high-quality skin allergy treatment for children in Singapore. Request an appointment with Healthsprings today.