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The Things You Need to Look For in a Good Machining Service

· Fabrication Services

When I was looking for a machining service in Singapore to help me out with some few drillings in my shop, I realised there’s no simple way to describe the benefits of high-quality. After a few turns and miss with some other services, I am glad I found Continental Engineering

Just about any industry that relies on precision machined parts uses CNC machining services to create custom machined parts from raw materials, fabrications, or castings into individual components. For me, I needed to customise my workshop for a sturdy one. I work as a bike store owner. I started loving bikes almost a year ago, and it developed into love labour. I thought, why not venture on the business side? So, as my shop is expanding, I needed a customised garage too. A personalised workshop, bike stands, a personalised wall for me to hand the bikes I sell, and some other stuff which I needed CNC machining services for.

What is CNC machining service exactly?

CNC machining, or computer numerical control machining, is a type of precision machining that’s automated, enabling high accuracy and extreme precision. This helped me when I requested for quite the extraordinary from Continental Engineering. Not only can CNC machining attain a degree of complexity and intricacy that traditional precision machining technology can’t, but it’s also cost-effective, especially when producing complex parts.

Choosing your machining service

When you choose a CNC machining service in Singapore to support your business production process you need to make sure that they provide the full range of services and capabilities to do the job right. Here are a few things I learned before engaging with just any machining service, all of which Continental Engineering has.


You want to make sure that your machining service has a good reputation, and has been in business long enough to know what they are doing.


Your machining service should have been in business long enough to have numerous positive references and long term contracts with satisfied customers.


There is a whole host of important regulatory and licensing considerations to be attended to for any machining or metal fabrication organisation. Before contracting with one of these companies, you will want to be sure they have a strong safety protocol set into place and that they follow all the federal regulations. If they fail to do so- even if they provide you with a high-quality service- you may suddenly find yourself caught in a lurch if their operation is shut down for procedural reasons.

Comprehensive Customer Support

Particularly important in the early stages of your relationship, customer support is integral to a good machining service. It may take some time to work out some minor incompatibility issues with your product and the parts they fabricate. This takes a close working relationship between you and your machining service to iron out. Without very responsive customer service, you may get stuck with a product that you cannot use until they get around to working on the problem.

Little to No Delivery Delay

When you get into the swing of working with your fabricator, there should seem to be very little separation between their business process and yours as if your two companies are working hand in hand. Perhaps most important is that they deliver at a predictable pace so that you can be in a known phase of your process when your products arrive.

What are the limitations of CNC Machining?

Of course, no process itself is perfect. There are a huge number of benefits to using a CNC machine service in Singapore, however, like anything, there can be a few drawbacks. Initially, the cost of creating a smaller number of parts can be expensive, however, the costs are normally offset by efficiency in the long run. You need a skilled workforce to run and use a CNC machine, thankfully I came across Continental Engineering.

All in all

Continental Engineering delivered the results I want for my bike shop. Not only that, but they also delivered great service, and the professionals even taught me the basics for CNC machining services. I love to tinker as well, and over the days of the process, I befriended those three who worked for my shop. We exchanged knowledge, them: machining, and me: biking. They even ordered bikes from me. Sweet! I will recommend them to my friends and other people who need the service. And, maybe, who knows, when I open another branch, I’d have them on board again.

If you are looking for some other service like metal fabrication service in Singapore, check them out, visit their website, and let their experts help you today.